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[Potato Update] I Changed Nothing, Everything is Different (aka. Tales of Garden Neglect!)

For those of you who have been following my salvaged seed potatoes on their journey into great deliciousness, I have an update. Everyone else can catch up with this link to my previous post on being optimistic about what you have (in this case, potatoes), even if it means less than ideal materials. With regular rains and a couple of waterings in between, the last … Continue reading [Potato Update] I Changed Nothing, Everything is Different (aka. Tales of Garden Neglect!)

Black Soldier Fly Larvae: Perfect Eating Machines! Some Background…

So, let’s talk about what’s going on right here! What is this all about, exactly? It’s about black soldier flies, and their larvae (BSFL) specifically. They are bugs, insects. Not only are they insects, they have super powers! Among their many amazing abilities, like tolerance to freezing temperatures and ability to withstand foul odors, I am most enamored with and convenienced by their ability to … Continue reading Black Soldier Fly Larvae: Perfect Eating Machines! Some Background…