Garden Basics

Why a Guide to Gardening?

Over the years, I’ve seen how transformative a thriving garden can be for one person or for an entire community. Gardens pull us into the natural cycles of life, death and abundance. They are filled with wonder for children, and keep us moving, even into old age.

So, after teaching and practicing organic farming and vegetable gardening for over 15 years, I’m sharing a step-by-step guide to starting an organic vegetable garden.

Who Needs a Garden?

First off, a thriving garden means you will always have healthy, local food you can trust. With so many questions about food safety and origin, nothing beats food from your own backyard. Whether you want a food revolution or you demand delicious tomatoes, a backyard garden is mission critical.

In short, everyone should be gardening! Gardening improves your health and quality of life through access to fresh vegetables and quality time outdoors. A garden teaches you to be more in tune with nature and it helps you feel more at home in a crazy world. Study after study has shown that being out in nature is good for our mental health. Architects

This Garden Basics guide gives the true beginner a clear path to follow and a jumping off point for deeper learning for the more experienced gardener.

Make Garden Friends!

Gardening is a community as big as the human family, filled with cultures and traditions from all over the world. I’ve seen agriculture bridge language gaps around the world. There is something magical in the unique relationships that we form with the plants we grow. Starting a garden opens a window into your own plant world and it’s full of characters. Garden communities include everyone from seed savers clubs to market gardeners. They each have a different perspective, but they all love to garden.

The best way to join is just to jump in! Here are some great places to find more gardening info and communities: The Old Farmer’s Almanac,  Mother Earth News, and Permies

Start Right Here:

Next, as you go through the steps and information below, please chime in with questions, comments or requests for articles! There is always more to learn and experience in a garden, so please share your journey with us.

And now, get started with this Introduction to Garden Site Selection or take your pick from rest of our sections below:

With that in mind, I hope you find this guide handy and full of insights into the enriching world of organic gardening!



Fresh Salad Garden